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AmArte is the most "formal" of kids programs I created along with my friend Katie Bruger. The intention is bring art to Nicaraguan children in rural communities, giving them new opportunities for self-expression and self-discovery through creativity. The communities are visited once a month by the AmArte team, building relationships that create a safe space for the children to develop trust in themselves. Every art day brings a unique project where the young people are encouraged to go beyond concepts of pretty or ugly and use the project as a portal to explore how they see the world and their role in it. In addition they will develop new capacities that will help them expand their vision of what is possible in their future.

Here are some pictures of other different projects that I have done in the past years, including bringing art to any kid around me. My goal will be to make murals in schools and undevelop neighborhoods and provide classes to any place I travel.

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